2008 Baja Phoenix


Super fun little run around bike


The bike was purchased new by a woman of slight frame (110lb) who didn't get two miles before dumping the bike at slow speed, causing the clutch lever to curl up to about half its normal length and doing a very small amount of damage to the left rear blinker and ripping the rubber on the left foot peg a little. She gave it to her brother, who was too big for it, and he sold it to me. It sat in storage for seven years or so, but other than that, it is basically brand new - the exhaust pipes were still perfectly chrome (none of the heat discoloration) when I picked it up for about half the going price.

There were a few minor things -- lots of loose screws and wires. Speedometer doesn't work. Odometer doesn't work. No tach. Gas gauge doesn't work. Mirrors vibrate quite a bit at higher speeds and can't be used for much. Lights are not very bright. Headlight is at a weird angle, but can't be easily adjusted because of the rake. Seat is not very comfortable - especially initially, but you get used to it pretty quick. Doesn't do very well in a cross wind. Feels pretty sketchy when you have it pinned at 60 on the freeway and semi-trucks are flying past you and you can really feel that cross wind pushing the bike. Back brakes are basically trash.

General Comments:

Top speed on this bike is about 60-65 and it is not a very comfortable 65. Not a freeway bike, but actually runs really good, has a super quiet engine (this is basically a really cheaply made Honda Rebel wannabe) that shifts good. Starts up cold and has been very reliable, but it is a little inconvenient holding the choke while the bike warms up - I tie it down sometimes while I stand there and drink my coffee.

Had a bunch of minor stuff going on with it, but with some tinkering this bike will run well. Had to adjust and oil the heck out of the back brakes to make them do anything.

The way I see it, you get what you pay for. This is a basic little bike that is super fun to run around town and perfect to teach your kids or friends or wife on. It's light and easy to handle and it won't get away from you if you are just getting into riding. The catch on paying such a low price for a bike is of course that you pretty much have to know how to fix it yourself. If something breaks, you will want to substitute compatible parts rather than trying to deal with Baja. If you don't mind all that -- and I don't for less than $1000 bucks! -- then it's a great little bike.

If you don't want to fix it yourself or aren't willing to learn how (or you don't think that sort of thing is fun) then get a Honda Rebel instead. I live in a small town out in the county that is mostly 30mph, so this bike is perfect for running around. My whole family loves to ride this bike.

Would you buy another motorcycle from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 3rd August, 2017